At the dawn of the 12thedition of the Des Chênes-toi! Bourret race that will take place on May 19th, we feel the enthusiasm that accompanies our employees in their preparation for this challenge. Thanks to the race clinics that are offered every week, we can notice the improvements and the pride of everyone in front of this beautiful event for which they are preparing themselves.
Once again, this year, the event is expecting more than 12,000 participants, making it the second-largest race in Quebec, just behind the coveted Montreal Marathon, which hosts nearly 25 000 participants.
The Des Chênes-Toi Bourret! race is a beautiful family event that allows the inclusion of all. This year, the race innovates with the Kartus chair, a device designed specifically for disabled people, children and adults, to participate in sports and outdoor activities.
Moreover, in addition to the race is held for a second consecutive year the Expo des Saines habitudes de vie Canimex. From Friday May 17th to Sunday May 19th, more than 56 exhibitors will be present. In particular, the Bourret Group and the Canimex Group are teaming up during this weekend to present a kiosk under the theme of the popular bike ‘’coffee rides’’. On this occasion, people will get a bistro quality coffee in exchange for several pedal strokes!
Bike coffee rides have been a popular concept for many years in the world, but it is a concept that is a little more recent in Quebec. In particular, some businesses have been created since 2013. These businesses allow bikers and sports enthusiasts to come together to practise spinning classes or even to exchange in front of a coffee. In addition, coffee is more than a social binder, it is a beverage that improves sports performance. Among other things, a study states that “when consumed in a moderate way, caffeine can allow an athlete to see his power grow by about 3% on average”. However, not all athletes experience the same benefits from caffeine. It’s a question of genetics and how the body metabolizes caffeine. Despite the ambivalence of the effects from caffeine on athletes, we cannot forget all the good aromas from a warm cup of coffee and the pleasure of gathering around this drink to exchange.
So, we are waiting for you at the Expo des Saines habitudes de vie Canimex and the Des Chênes-toi! Bourret race!